Lisa A. Niedermeyer

Lisa A. Niedermeyer is Vice President of PN, LLC (“PN”) and has over 15 years experience in product marketing, marketing & competitive assessments, brand creation & management, trademark development and graphic design.

Prior to PN, Ms. Niedermeyer was co-founder of Clear-Lite/TAG Industries, Inc. (“ClearLite”), an energy-efficient lighting company from 2005-2011 and Vice President of Marketing for Reusable Technologies, Inc. (“Reusable”) from 2000-2004.

At ClearLite and Reusable, Lisa worked closely with Energy Star on product approvals and rebate programs for retailers for the PRO-IMAGE® and Honeywell® Brands. She also coordinated trade shows, TV commercial production, product marketing, sales presentations, package design and advertising.

Prior to Reusable, Ms. Niedermeyer was Vice President of Marketing at Fine Sales Corp, a sales and marketing agency with over $200 million in revenue from 1997-1999, and helped manage all company marketing activities.

Lisa was educated at Florida Atlantic University (FAU) and the Academy of Art University.

Additional background information about Mrs. Niedermeyer may be found in her Linkedin Profile.